Today with the help of news channels and other sources we are all aware of global warming and the horrible impact it might have on us if we don't react quickly and take some firm decisions to make our earth stand tall against the incoming danger. All the different measures and efforts that have been made in the past had not proved to be effective on top of that has left a huge amount of carbon residue which is very harmful for our environment. The construction of green real estates is the only solution now which can help us avert this massive danger in the near future.
The construction of these green real estates with materials from razed buildings and other eco-friendly substances results in no harm to the environment. Roof top vegetation is one way which not only is beneficial to the environment but it also makes your house look beautiful. The roofs of houses partially or completely covered with green vegetation are known as green roofs. Drainage and various other layers are also included in these green roofs. The green real estates which actually provide such green roofs have certain beneficial advantages as well. Which are as follows:-
The evaporative system for cooling decreases the cooling of the house by almost 60% which also increases to 90% at times.
The Storm water running off is decreased
The heating is decreased to a large amount because of the immense thermal resistance provided by the green vegetation. Research also shows us that green roofs can reduce the heat loss and energy consumptions under harsh winter conditions.
Diseases such as asthma are minimized due to the filtering of carbon dioxide present in the air and other harmful pollutants.
Apart from being highly effective for the environment, these green roofs also create a very suitable and natural habitat for wildlife.
The value of the real estate increases manifolds as well. It also increases the life span of roots.
Apart from all these advantages and the immense help it provides to the environment it also helps you to save a large amount of money in the long run.
For mankind's desperate fight, green real estates easily stands out as the best solution from all the others available. Major cities of the world such as San Diego, Los Angeles and New York City have been very supportive to this cause and have taken the initiative to build green real estates. These eco-friendly homes may seem a little expensive in the beginning but can earn you and the environment a real fortune gradually with time. People need to realize the importance of a green world at least now and really think of going green in order to avoid a mass destruction in the future. Apart from all this the government has also offered tax benefits and up to 50% reduction to your utility bills if you posses one of these green real estates. Thus not only the environment gets to benefit from you but you also save a lot of your hard earned money.
Luis Pezzini
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